Love Me Review: An Engaging Horror Romance

A love story between a man and a ghost is very new to Indian cinema. That too this kind of concept is coming from Telugu is a good sign.

This interesting horror romance Love Me story is about a YouTuber called Arjun (Ashish) is a very curious guy. In the process, he falls in love with a ghost called Divyavathi. What happened next is the crux of the story.

The first half is pretty engaging yet confusing. Because the aimless screenplay makes us confused. However, the core idea and top-notch visuals make us glued to the seats. The second half is filled with a lot of twists and that keeps us involved in the story till the climax.

Ashish as Arjun is good on screen and he improved as an actor. Vaishnavi Chaitanya has got very weak character and she has no scope to perform. Ravi Krishan did well.

Finally, Love Me movie is a unique flick that every section of audiance should watch it in theatres.

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